Thursday, March 10, 2011

Book Review: Brave New World

Brave new world is truly a one of a kind book; it’s nothing like I’ve ever read before. Aldous Huxley did an amazing job on opening my eyes on a whole different world, which is slowly becoming like ours today, just more extreme and freighting.
The world Aldus Huxley created is full of machines creating new life, mind control, sex and an odd drug called soma. In the beginning he takes us through the entire process of how this world is, and what they think it should be, it’s a slow start but necessary to understand how these people in the book think, act, believe in and how they live.

All the characters you meet are all unique in this book, Lenina Crowne is the first one we really meet, she is a good looking girl, who has a secret that she has only slept with one person for the last 6 months, in this world being with one person is frowned upon. “Everyone belongs to everyone” as the saying goes in brave new world. Bernard Max is the one reason I really love this book he is unique and not like the other alphas, he fails to fit in, and wants something much more then this world can of far him. John is the next major character you meet in this book; Sadly we do not meet him until we get way into a book, but he is a boy from an entirely different world, he is a savage who has been raised to be like us in today’s world, who gets a view of Lenina and Bernard’s world, and life as he knows it get turned upside down. Of course these are not all the people you will meet in the book, but you will have to read to find out more. You will follow them in a journey of discovering themselves and realizing what is wrong with their world.

The lives in brave new world, is something you would never imagine even living in, taking a drug called soma similar to illegal drugs in today’s world, having sex with everyone, orgies, no religion, and especially no families. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, are not even heard of in this world. No love, No high schools, no drama, nothing.

Brave new world, is a very good read, a book that will make you think about the world around you, and how life would be if the world we live in got to that extreme, it will never cease to shock you.